Fiirilaa la mansaaloo
(Matiyu 13:1-9Luka 8:4-8)1 Yeesu ye a dati kotenke ka karandiroo ke baa daala, aduŋ moo jamaa kuruta a la. Wo kamma la a bulata kuluŋo kono, meŋ be baa kono. A siita jee, aduŋ kafoo bee naata loo baa daala. 2 Yeesu ye ì karandi feŋ jamaa le la mansaaloo kono. A la karandiroo kono, a ko ì ye ko, 3 “Ali i lamoyi! Fiirilaa kiliŋ ne taata nuŋ fiiroo la. 4 Kabiriŋ a be fiiroo la, kese doolu jolonta moolu la tambidulaa to. Bituŋ kunoolu naata, ì ye ì domo. 5 Kese doolu jolonta beroolu le kaŋ, ì maŋ banku jamaa soto daameŋ. Ì falinta tariyaarinke, kaatu bankoo maŋ siyaa jee. 6 Bari kabiriŋ tiloo malata, ì norota, aduŋ baawo ì suloolu maŋ jamfa bankoo kono, ì naata jaa. 7 Kese doolu jolonta ŋaniŋolu kono. Kabiriŋ ŋaniŋolu menta, ì ye ì dete, ì faata, ì maŋ feŋ diŋ. 8 Bari kese doolu jolonta banku betoo le kaŋ. Ì falinta, ì dinta, aduŋ ì siyaata le. Kese doolu naata siidulaa taŋ saba bondi, doolu taŋ wooro aniŋ doolu keme.”
9 Aduŋ a ko, “Meŋ ye tuloo soto ka moyiroo ke, a si a moyi.”
Mansaaloolu daliiloo
(Matiyu 13:10-17Luka 8:9-10)10 Kabiriŋ Yeesu dammaa be jee, a la saayibe taŋ niŋ fuloo aniŋ moo doolu mennu be a daala, ì ye ñininkaaroo ke mansaaloolu la kuwo to. 11 A ko ì ye ko, “Alla la mansabaayaa kulloo diita alitolu le la ka ì loŋ, bari bantalankoolu ye, kuwolu bee be maaboriŋ mansaaloolu le kono. 12 Wo kamma la,
‘ì si juubeeroo ke, bari ì buka jeroo ke.
Ì si moyiroo ke, bari ì buka fahaamuroo ke.
Niŋ wo nte, ì be muru la le ka bo sila jawoo to,
aduŋ ì la junuboolu be yamfa la.’ ”
Yeesu ye mansaaloo firiŋ
(Matiyu 13:18-23Luka 8:11-15)13 Bituŋ a ko ì ye ko, “Fo ali maŋ ñiŋ mansaaloo kotoo fahaamu baŋ? Wo to, ali be mansaali doolu kotoolu fahaamu noo la ñaadii le? 14 Kesoo, fiirilaa ye meŋ fii, wo mu Alla la kumoo le ti. 15 Kesoolu mennu jolonta moolu la tambidulaa to, wo ka moolu la kuwo le yitandi, mennu ye kumoo moyi, bari wo loodulaa kiliŋo to doroŋ, Seetaanoo* ye a buusi ì la, meŋ fiita ì kono. 16 Wo ñaa kiliŋo la, mennu jolonta beroolu kaŋ, wo ka moolu la kuwo le yitandi, mennu ye kumoo moyi, aduŋ wo loo niŋ baroo teema ì seewooriŋo ye a muta. 17 Bayiri kumoo maŋ suloo duŋ ì sondomoolu kono, ì si wakiili fo waatindiŋ doroŋ. Niŋ bataa niŋ koleyaa kuwolu naata ì kaŋ kumoo kamma la, jee niŋ jee doroŋ, ì si badali. 18 Kese doolu mennu jolonta ŋaniŋolu kono, wo ka moolu la kuwo le yitandi, mennu ye kumoo moyi, 19 bari biriŋ ñiŋ duniyaa la bataa kuwolu niŋ naafuloo ñaaboo aniŋ hame kuu doolu dunta ì sondomoolu kono, wolu ye kumoo dete. Bituŋ kumoo nene maŋ diŋ.
20 “Bari mennu fiita banku betoo kaŋ, wo ka moolu la kuwo le yitandi, mennu ye kumoo moyi, aduŋ ì sonta a ma. Ì ka diŋ ne, doolu siidulaa taŋ saba, doolu siidulaa taŋ wooro, aniŋ doolu siidulaa keme.”
Lampoo la mansaaloo
(Luka 8:16-18)21 Bituŋ Yeesu ko ì ye ko, “Fo ì ka lampoo mala le baŋ, ka a ke booloo waraŋ laaraŋo koto? Fo ì buka a ke lampu looraŋo le kaŋ? 22 Wo ñaa kiliŋo le la feŋ te maaboriŋ, meŋ te lankenema la, aduŋ feŋ te kulloo kono, meŋ te finti la kenebaa to. 23 Meŋ ye tuloo soto ka moyiroo ke, a si a moyi.” 24 Bituŋ a ko ì ye ko, “Ali ali hakiloo tu kumoo to, ali ye meŋ moyi. Ali ye meŋ ke moolu ye, wo ñoŋ ne be ke la ali fanaa ye, aduŋ hani doo be kafu la a kaŋ ne. 25 Moo meŋ ye feŋ soto, doo be dii la wo le la. Bari moo meŋ maŋ feŋ soto, hani a ye meŋ soto, wo faŋo be buusi la a la le.”
Fiifeŋ kesoolu la faliŋo
26 Yeesu tententa ka diyaamu, a ko ì ye ko, “Alla la mansabaayaa ka munta le ko, niŋ kewo ye fiifeŋ kesoolu sari bankoo kaŋ. 27 Luŋ-wo-luŋ wo maarii ka i laa ka wuli, bari kesoolu be faliŋ kaŋ doroŋ, a maŋ hani wo keñaa loŋ. 28 Bankoo faŋo le ka fiifeŋ kesoolu falindi. Jamboo le foloo ka finti, bituŋ tinsoo si naa finti, kesoo si naa ke tinsoo bala. 29 Bari niŋ kesoo moota, jee niŋ jee, a si worotoo taa, kaatu katiri waatoo siita le.”
Mutaari kesoo la mansaaloo
(Matiyu 13:31-32Luka 13:18-19)30 Bituŋ Yeesu ko ì ye ko, “N si Alla la mansabaayaa misaali noo muŋ ne la? N si mansaali jumaa le fo noo a la kuwo to? 31 A ka munta le ko mutaari kesoo. Ì ka a fii kunkoo kono waatoo meŋ na, ate le dooyaata duniyaa fiifeŋ kesoolu bee ti. 32 Bari niŋ a falinta, ate le ka naa wara ka tambi naaki fiifeŋolu bee la, aduŋ a buloolu ka wara le, fo kunoolu ka ñaŋolu laa a dubeŋo koto.”
33 Yeesu ye kumoo fo ì ye niŋ ñiŋ ñoŋ mansaaloolu le la, fo ì si a fahaamu noo ñaameŋ. 34 A maŋ feŋ fo ì ye, meŋ maŋ ke mansaaloo ti. Bari niŋ a niŋ a fansuŋ saayiboolu dammaa be daameŋ, a ka kumoolu bee le firiŋ wolu ye.
Yeesu ye foño baa tenkundi
(Matiyu 8:23-27Luka 8:22-25)35 Wo luŋ kiliŋo la, kabiriŋ wulaaroo siita, Yeesu ko a la saayiboolu ye ko, “Ali ŋà taa, ǹ si baa teyi ka taa a kara doo la.” 36 Bituŋ saayiboolu ye kafu baa tu jee, ì dunta kuluŋo to, Yeesu be daameŋ. Kuluŋ doolu fanaa be ì fee jee le. 37 Wo to le foño baa naata wuli, aduŋ baa baliŋolu ye kuluŋo taki fo a datita ka faa jiyo la. 38 Wo waatoo la Yeesu be laariŋ, a be siinoo la kullaaraŋo kaŋ kuluŋ feñoo to. Bituŋ saayiboolu ye a kuniŋ, ì ko a ye ko, “Ǹ karammoo, fo i te ǹ hati la, m̀ be kasaara kaŋ?” 39 Wo to le a kuninta, a wulita, a ye foñoo jalayi, aduŋ a ko baa baliŋolu ye ko, “Ali i deyi, ali ye tenkuŋ!” Wo to le foño baa loota, bituŋ baa tenkunta tek. 40 Wo koolaa a ko ì ye ko, “Ali ka muŋ ne sila? Fo ali maŋ lannoo soto baŋ?” 41 Bituŋ ì silata baake, ì ko ñoo ye ko, “Jumaa le mu ñiŋ ti, fo hani foñoo niŋ baa baliŋolu ka a la yaamaroo muta?”
1 And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. 2 And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, 3 Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: 4 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. 5 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. 9 And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. 13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?
14 ¶ The sower soweth the word. 15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 17 And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended. 18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. 20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it , and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.
21 ¶ And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? 22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. 23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. 24 And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. 25 For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.
26 ¶ And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. 29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.
30 ¶ And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? 31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: 32 But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 33 And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it . 34 But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples. 35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. 36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. 37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?