Kiilaariyaa kumoo meŋ fota Babiloni bankoo kamma
1 Yaawe* ye ñiŋ kiilaariyaa kumoo le fo ka bo niŋ Annabilayi Yeremiya la, Babiloni niŋ a banku moolu la kuwo to:
2 “Kiilaariyaa kumoo bankee bankoolu kaŋ ka a kankulaa,
bandeeroo wulindi, i ye a kankulaa.
Kana a ke kulloo ti,
a fo ko,
ì be Babiloni muta la keloo to le!
Jalaŋ Beli be bula la maloo kono le,
wo jalaŋ Merodaki be jikilateyi la le!
Babiloni batufeŋolu be bula la maloo kono le,
a jalaŋ ñewundiŋolu ye jikilateyi!
3 Bankoo le be bo la naŋ maraa karoo la ka a kele,
a ye a kenseŋyandi,
moo te tu la siiriŋ jee,
moolu niŋ beeyaŋolu bee le be bori la.”
Banisirayilankoolu be seyi la ì la bankoo kaŋ ne
4 Yaawe ko:
“Wo luŋolu la, a waatoo la,
Banisirayilankoolu aniŋ Yahuuda moolu kafuriŋo
ñaajiitoo be nte Yaawe, ì la Alla ñini la le.
5 Ì be Siyoni* siloo ñininkaa la le,
ì ye ì kuŋ tiliŋ jee la.
Ì be naa le ka ì faŋ seyi nte Yaawe ma,
ka bo niŋ badaa-badaa kambeŋo la,
ì te ñina la meŋ na.
6 “N na moolu keta saajii filiriŋolu le ti,
ì kantarilaalu ye ì filindi,
ì ye ì caawundi konkoolu kaŋ taariŋ,
ì tarata yaayi la ka bo konko ka taa konko,
ì ñinata ì la koorewo be daameŋ.
7 Moo-wo-moo ye ì je, a ka i baluu ì la le,
ì jawoolu ka a fo le ko,
‘Ntolu maŋ kasi ke,
kaatu ì ye junuboo le ke Yaawe la,
ì taradulaa tooñaa be meŋ fee,
Yaawe, ì la alifaa foloolu jikoo.’
8 “Ali bori ka bo Babiloni,
ali finti Babiloninkoolu la bankoo kaŋ,
ali foloo ye tambi koorewo ñaato,
ko baakotoŋolu ka ke ñaameŋ.
9 A juubee, n ka banku sembemaalu le sukusuku Babiloni kaŋ,
ì kafuriŋo ye bo maraa karoo la naŋ,
ì ye tembe ka keledaalu muta a kamma,
wo to le ì be jee muta la.
Ì la kalabeñoolu ka munta le ko
kelenoolaa la kalabeñoo meŋ buka foo,
ka seyi bulu kenseŋ.
10 Ì be Babiloni ke la ñapinkaŋ feŋo le ti,
mennu bee ye a ñapinkaŋ,
ì ye ì sawoo soto a la.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
Babiloni la boyoo
11 Yaawe ko:
“Babiloninkoolu, n na keetaabankoo ñapinkannaalu,
ali niŋ seewoo niŋ kontaanoo mu ñaa-wo-ñaa,
ali ka sawuŋ-sawuŋ ko ninsiriŋo ka ke ñaamoo kaŋ ñaameŋ,
ali ka kuma ko suukewolu,
12 bari ali wuluu bankoo be bula la maloo kono le,
ate meŋ ye ali wuluu,
dooyaaroo be laa la a kaŋ ne.
A la kuwo le be dooyaa la bankoolu bee ti,
a ye ke keñewula* jaaroo ti, aniŋ lewo.
13 Nte Yaawe la kamfaa baa le be a tinna
moo te sii la Babiloni kotenke,
a be tu la kenseŋyaariŋ ne,
moo-wo-moo tambita jee la,
a kijoo be bo la le,
a ye ciipuroo ke, ñiŋ kamma
kasaara kuwolu mennu keta jee la.
14 “Alitolu kalafayilaalu bee,
ali tembe keledaalu to Babiloni kamma, ka a murubeŋ.
Ali a buŋ, ali kana hani kalabeñe kiliŋ tu fayibali,
kaatu a ye junuboo le ke nte Yaawe la.
15 Ali wuuroo kumandi a ma karoo bee la,
Babiloni ye a faŋ seyi le, a tatoolu boyita,
ì ye a tata sansaŋolu boyi le.
Nte Yaawe le la julujoo mu ñiŋ ti ko:
Ali si juloo joo a to,
a ye meŋ ke, ka wo ñoŋ ke a la.
16 Ali fiifeŋ fiilaalu turutumbuŋ Babiloni,
ka taa katirilaalu niŋ ì la worotoolu.
Ì mantooralaalu la hawusari* keloo be a tinna le
tumarankewo bee ye muru ì fansuŋ moolu yaa,
moo-wo-moo ye bori a fansuŋ bankoo to.”
Banisirayilankoolu la seyoo
17 Yaawe ko:
“Banisirayila ka munta le saajiyolu,
jatoolu ye mennu bayindi ka ì janjandi.
Meŋ foloo ye i baluu a la,
wo le mu Asiriya mansakewo ti.
Silaŋ meŋ labanta a kuloolu feefee la,
wo le mu Babiloni mansakewo Nebukanesa ti.”
18 Wo kamma la, Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo*, Banisirayila la Alla ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“M be Babiloni mansakewo niŋ a la bankoo jarabi la le,
ko ŋa Asiriya mansakewo kuluu ñaameŋ.
19 Bari m be Banisirayila murundi la a la bankoo kaŋ ne,
a be i daañini la Karimeli Konkoo kaŋ ne,
aniŋ Basani tundoo,
ka taa Efurayimu* konkotundoo*,
aniŋ Kileyadi konkotundoo kaŋ,
a ye wasa ko a lafita a la ñaameŋ.
20 Wo luŋolu la, a waatoo la,
moo si Banisirayila la boyidaa ñini le,
bari hani kiliŋ, a te a je la,
aniŋ Yahuuda la boyidaa,
bari hani kiliŋ, a te a je la,
kaatu m be yamfa la wo moo toomaalu ye le,
ŋa mennu tu baluwo to.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
21 Yaawe ko:
“Ali taa Meratayimunkoolu kele,
aniŋ Pekodinkoolu,
ñiŋ Babiloni banku muritiriŋo,
ali ì faa, ali niŋ kasaaroo ye ì nooma,
ŋa ali yaamari meŋ ke la, ka a ke.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
22 “Ali si kele maakaŋo moyi bankoo kaŋ,
aniŋ kasaara baa!
23 Babiloni bankoo, duniyaa bee keleraŋ maritoo,
wo le katiŋ-katinta teŋ!
Babiloni le kenseŋyaata teŋ
ka ke bankoolu ye kijaboo ti!
24 Ite Babiloni, ŋa dooliŋo le laa i ye, a ye i muta,
aduŋ i maŋ a loŋ.
Ŋa i soto le, ŋa i ñankoŋ,
kaatu i ka nte Yaawe le kele.
25 Nte Yaawe ye n na jooraŋ buŋo le daa yele,
ŋa n na kamfaa jooraŋolu bondi naŋ,
kaatu nte Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo
ka naa dookuwo le ke Babiloni bankoo kaŋ.
26 Ali naa naŋ ka Babiloni kele karoo bee la,
ali ye a la siimaŋ buntuŋolu yele,
ali ye a faŋo juruma duuma ko siimaŋ kesoo,
ka a bee kasaara kewu,
hani feŋ kana tu jee!
27 Ali a kee kanaŋ tuuraalu bee faa,
ka ì samba ka ì kanateyi.
Kooroo boyita ì kaŋ, kaatu ì la luŋo siita le,
waatoo meŋ m be ì kuluu la.
28 Ali i lamoyi moolu wuurikaŋo la,
mennu borita keloo la, ì kanata,
ì naata Yaawe, ǹ na Alla la julujoo dantee Siyoni,
a la julujoo Babiloninkoolu to,
ì ye meŋ ke a la Batudulaa Buŋo* la.
29 “Ali kalafayilaalu kili Babiloni kamma,
moo-wo-moo ka kaloo ŋaaji ka a fayi.
Ali a suki karoo bee la,
hani moo kiliŋ kana kana.
Ali a joo a la baaroolu la,
a ye meŋ ke, ka wo ñoŋ ke a la.
A ye a faŋ wara nte Yaawe kaŋ ne ka n sooki,
Banisirayila la Senuŋ Baa.
30 Wo kamma la, ì be a fondinkewolu faa la le,
a mbeedoolu kaŋ taariŋ,
ì ye a kelediŋolu kasaara wo luŋo la.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
31 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ko:
“M be looriŋ i kamma le, ite faŋ waralaa Babiloni,
kaatu i la luŋo siita le,
waatoo meŋ m be i jarabi la.
32 Faŋ waralaa Babiloni si taki a ye boyi,
moo te soto la ka a wulindi.
M be dimbaa le duŋ na a saatewolu la,
ka feŋ-wo-feŋ domo meŋ be a dandaŋo la.”
33 Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo ye ñiŋ ne fo ko:
“Ì ye Banisirayilankoolu mantoora le,
doolu fanaa ye wo ñoŋ ke Yahuuda moolu la,
mennu ye ì samba mutoo kono,
ì balanta ì fee kat,
ì maŋ soŋ ì bula la ì ye seyi muk.
34 Bari ì Kumakaalaa bambanta le,
a too mu Yaawe Alihawaa Maariyo le ti.
A be loo la ì la kuwo la le famfaŋ,
ka dahaa naati duniyaa ye,
bari a be dahaabaliyaa le naati la Babiloninkoolu kaŋ.”
35 Yaawe ko:
“Hawusaroo* le be naa Babiloninkoolu kamma,
a be naa Babiloni moolu kamma,
a be naa a maralilaalu kamma,
aniŋ a moo ñaamendiŋolu!
36 Hawusaroo be naa a juubeerilaa fanoolu kamma le,
fo ì la tooleeyaa si loŋ,
a be naa a kelejawaroolu kamma,
fo ì si kasaara!
37 Hawusaroo be naa a suwoolu kamma le,
aniŋ a keleraŋ sareetoolu,
aniŋ a la banku koteŋ kelediŋolu bee kamma,
fo ì si lamfu ko musoolu!
Hawusaroo be naa a naafuloolu bee kamma le,
fo ì si ke ñapinkaŋ feŋolu ti!
38 Jaa be naa a baajiyolu kaŋ ne,
fo ì si jaa kos!
Kaatu a bankoo bee niŋ batufeŋolu le mu,
ì ñaamaata jalaŋ jawoolu la kuwo la le.
39 “Wo to keñewuloo daafeŋolu,
ka taa suluwolu le be sabati la jee,
kiikiyaŋolu fanaa ye sabati jee.
Moo nene te sabati la jee kotenke,
sako moo si sii jee, jamaani naalaalu bee kono.
40 Ko nte Alla ye Sodomu niŋ Komora kasaara ñaameŋ,
ì niŋ ì dandanna saatewolu,
moo te sii la Babiloni fanaa,
sako moo si sabati jee.”
Yaawe le ye a fo.
41 Yaawe ko:
“A juubee, kelediŋ kafoo le ka bo naŋ
maraa kara bankoo kaŋ.
Banku sembemaa aniŋ mansakee jamaalu le be maamaŋ kaŋ naŋ,
ka bo dulaa jamfariŋ baalu to.
42 Ì niŋ kalabeñoolu niŋ hawusaroolu le mu,
ì tilimbaliyaata, balafaa te ì la.
Ì maakaŋo ka munta le ko fankaasoo kumakaŋo,
ì be suwoolu le koo to naŋ,
ì temberiŋolu be naa kaŋ,
ite Dimmusuriŋ* Babiloni kamma,
ko kewolu ka i paree keloo kamma ñaameŋ.”
43 Yaawe ko:
“Babiloni mansakewo ye ì kibaaroo moyi le,
a buloolu tuta yondiŋ.
Kijafaroo le ye a muta,
aniŋ dimiŋo ko tiŋ ye musu maa.
44 Ko niŋ jatoo bota naŋ ñunkoo kono,
Yoridani sutoo kono,
ka naa boyinkaŋo la,
kantari kene kendoolu to,
m be a moolu bayi la bankoo kaŋ wo ñaama le,
kataba kiliŋ.
Ŋa moo-wo-moo tomboŋ,
wo le be a mara la.
Jumaa le niŋ nte si tembe noo,
ka i loo m fee?
Ñaatonka jumaa le si loo noo n ñaato?
45 “Wo to ali lamoyiri ke,
nte Yaawe ye meŋ feere Babiloni kamma,
ŋa meŋ nata Babiloninkoolu la bankoo kamma.
Hani dindiŋolu, ì la koorewolu kono,
ì be ì kuruntu la le taariŋ.
Ì kafoo muumewo be teekumu la
ì la mantoora kuwo la le.
46 Ì muta tumoo maakaŋo be bankoo jarajarandi la le,
ì wuurikaŋo ye moyi hani banku koteŋolu kaŋ.”
1 The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. 2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces. 3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
4 ¶ In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: they shall go, and seek the LORD their God. 5 They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying , Come, and let us join ourselves to the LORD in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten. 6 My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace. 7 All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the hope of their fathers. 8 Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks.
9 ¶ For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain. 10 And Chaldea shall be a spoil: all that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the LORD. 11 Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass, and bellow as bulls; 12 Your mother shall be sore confounded; she that bare you shall be ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert. 13 Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues. 14 Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about: all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows: for she hath sinned against the LORD. 15 Shout against her round about: she hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: for it is the vengeance of the LORD: take vengeance upon her; as she hath done, do unto her. 16 Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest: for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one to his own land.
17 ¶ Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. 18 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the king of Assyria. 19 And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied upon mount Ephraim and Gilead. 20 In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve.
21 ¶ Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the inhabitants of Pekod: waste and utterly destroy after them, saith the LORD, and do according to all that I have commanded thee. 22 A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction. 23 How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! 24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. 25 The LORD hath opened his armoury, and hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation: for this is the work of the Lord GOD of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans. 26 Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses: cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly: let nothing of her be left. 27 Slay all her bullocks; let them go down to the slaughter: woe unto them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation. 28 The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. 29 Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. 30 Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets, and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD. 31 Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord GOD of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. 32 And the most proud shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up: and I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shall devour all round about him.
33 ¶ Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them captives held them fast; they refused to let them go. 34 Their Redeemer is strong; the LORD of hosts is his name: he shall throughly plead their cause, that he may give rest to the land, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon.
35 ¶ A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the LORD, and upon the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon her princes, and upon her wise men . 36 A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed. 37 A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed. 38 A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up: for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols. 39 Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there , and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. 40 As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein. 41 Behold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. 42 They shall hold the bow and the lance: they are cruel, and will not shew mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride upon horses, every one put in array, like a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon. 43 The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them, and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail. 44 Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto the habitation of the strong: but I will make them suddenly run away from her: and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me? 45 Therefore hear ye the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken against Babylon; and his purposes, that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them. 46 At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations.